Colonial and post-colonial forms of internment in and around the Mediterranean

Réseau scientifique international “Coloniality, Confinement and Order”

A project under the supervision of Francesco Correale


Photo: Jamaican Immigrants to Britain in 1948

CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Supplier: Corbis
Supplier: NTB scanpix

This project aims to analyze the forms of internment established by the colonial metropolises of Southern Europe in their interior and within their empires, relating them to the morphologies of the various contemporary methods of reclusion targeting in particular migrants and refugees. On the one hand, it will be a question of understanding how the repression of “dissidents” and “undesirables” took place in the colonial framework, by making a choice of concrete cases originating both from concentration camps and from the urban developments carried out in order to relegate the “dangerous classes” to spaces of segregation (real or de facto); on the other, to place in a historical perspective the official internment policies which have their origin in the great Foulcaudian confinement. These policies seem to be reproduced in the current restrictions on South-North migratory flows both in the former metropolises and in their former colonies, thus determining the creation of a truly global space for the humanitarian management of the “undesirable” persons.

Project partners:

  • GRECS – Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusio i Control Social, Université de Barcelone, Espagne
  • Historisches Institut, Université de Berne, Suisse
  • Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Université de pavie, Italie
  • Departemento Antropologia Social y Pensamiento Filosofico Español, Université autonome de Madrid, Espagne
  • GRESAM – Grupo de Estudios sobre las Sociedades Arabes y Musulmanas, Université de Castilla – La Mancha, Tolède, Espagne
  • Centre Transfrontalier d’Action Culturelle et Recherche Sociale – Centre ACRES, Tanger, Maroc
  • Centro di Ricerca e documentazione sul confino politico e la detenzione, Ventotene, Italie
  • Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Université de Gênes

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