Cristina Oddone

Social researcher

CRISTINA ODDONE (PhD in Sociology, University of Genoa) is an associated researcher of the Laboratoire Dynamiques Européennes at the University of Strasbourg, where she was a postdoc scholar (2018-2019) with a study on perpetrator programmes in France and Italy, investigating intimate partner violence and the social construction of masculinities.

Between 2016 and 2018, she has worked for the GREVIO Secretariat on the monitoring of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. As an expert on violence against women, she has worked for the Italian National Research Council (VIVA Project) and for the Council of Europe. In the past, she has participated to collective ethnographies on youth, migration and prison, using visual sociology methods and realizing documentaries based on research.

She has recently published Uomini normali. Maschilità e violenza nell’intimità [Average men. Masculinities and intimate partner violence], Rosenberg & Sellier, Collezione «Questioni di Genere», Torino, Italia.

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