Diego Scarponi

Documentary film director

Diego Scarponi

Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione

Laboratorio Audiovisivo del Campus di Savona. Palazzina Lagorio (First floor)

Mobile phone: +39 328 9777916

Diego Scarponi works at the University of Genoa, where he directs the “Buster Keaton Audiovisual Laboratory” and conducts research with a focus on the traces of the industrial presence in urban environments and its role in the construction of contemporary identity.

He produced and directed numerous documentaries and cross-media projects. L’età del ferro (The Iron Age, 2013) was among the finalists at the Viaemiliadocfest and participated in the Genova Film Festival and the Mantova Film Festival. With the short doc Memoria fossile (Fossil Memory, 2014) he was selected at the TIFF, Tirana International Film Festival (November 2014). In 2015 he worked at Ribelli e fuorilegge. La cospirazione partigiana 1943-45 (Rebels and Outlaws. The Partizan Conspiracy 1943-1945) and at Alfabeto Camallo – Noi eravamo tutto (Camallo Alphabet – We were everything).

Corso Andrea Podestà, 2 - 16121 Genova (GE)


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