Lorenzo Navone


Lorenzo Navone, sociologist (PhD, University of Genoa), is lecturer (ATER) at the University of Strasbourg since September 2019, where he teaches “Sociology of Conflict” and “Qualitative Research Methods”. Lorenzo is affiliated at the Dynamiques Européennes laboratory (Dyname UMR 7367) and the Institut de Polémologie. Licenced by the Conseil National des Universités (2020) to the 19th section (Sociology, Demography). His main research interests are borders and frontiers, transnational mobility, minors/adolescents in migratory situation and the social history of punk culture in Italy and in Genoa in particular. He has published in Italian and international journals and books. He is the editor of the volume Confini, Mobilità e Migrazioni. . Una cartografia dello spazio europeo for Agenzia X (Milan), 2020.




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