Silvia Aresca


Silvia Aresca (Genova 1979) is a professional photographer based in Genova. After graduating in Architecture in 2006, while moving the first steps in the world of architecture she also began to work in a photographic studio (Chiaroscuro), where she learned the basics of the craft and the processes of development and printing in darkroom.
Since 2008 she has been working on her own, dedicating herself mainly to dance and wedding photography.
She has always been interested in social issues, to which she dedicates as soon as he has the opportunity.
– In 2011 she founded with Valentina Fenoglio the visual project Retròscatto, dedicated to vintage images and style.
-Since 2014 to 2016 she collaborated with SnailAid for the project Billy Goat (dedicated to demining) both in the field (Cambodia) that in Europe for the
promotional part .
– In 2017 she took part in first edition of the “ Scuola di sociologia filmica e visuale” as a tutor.
– In 2018 she she took part to the Fido (Festival International de Danse de Ouagadougou) Festival in Burkina Faso as official photographer.
– In 2019 she joined the Totem Collective Studio, a group of visual professionals based in Genova that offers different kinds of visual services.

Corso Andrea Podestà, 2 - 16121 Genova (GE)

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