The Visual Sociology Research Group was born in 2007 to bring the concept of public sociology to life and follow the interests of many of its founders in using visual language to disseminate the outcomes of social research.

Since then, the Visual sociology Research Group has been using the camera and the video camera as tools to research social reality, producing many documentaries, exhibitions, and graphic novels, but first and foremost it has started to use still and moving images as part of its methodological approach to social research in order to develop its participatory nature. (Read more)

Latest news and events

Kick-off meeting del progetto SOLROUTES con una sessione sui metodi creativi nei border studies e nei solidarity studies

SOLROUTES ERC AdG, kick-off meeting. A five days event opening a public debate on migration and solidarity in Euriope and far beyond. A chance to reflect on the base the most recent advancement of social research on this issue, with most renowned scholars in this field.

Odissee mediterranee. Traversate, migrazioni e vite possibili. 14 giugno, Andersen Festival

Mercoledì 14 giugno, alle ore 19:30 a Sestri Levante (Baia del Silenzio) nell’ambito dell’Andersen Festival, si terrà un talk dedicato al mare e alle migrazioni nel contesto mediterraneo. Il Mediterraneo è uno spazio di incontro, attraversamento, contaminazione tra realtà differenti: un crocevia di idee, identità mutevoli e soggetti in movimento tra passato e futuro. In […]

Call for Paper – Giornata seminariale Storie di Visualità: tra ricerca e partecipazione – Centro Interdipartimentale sulla Visualità – Università di Genova

La cultura visiva ha negli anni assunto un significato pregnante all’interno della nostra quotidianità,guadagnando un ruolo sempre più dominante nelle nostre realtà. Le arti visuali sono da sempre unostrumento che consente la trasmissione di emozioni ma anche di conoscenze ed oggi ricoprono unaposizione non trascurabile nello scenario della ricerca scientifica. Una sfida importante della visualità […]

Prima proiezione pubblica de “Il Crollo”. Venerdì 3 marzo, alle 20:30 presso il Circolo Amici del Cinema (Genova)

Prima proiezione pubblica de “Il Crollo”, di Massimo Cannarella ed Enrico Fravega. Un documentario sul vissuto delle persone sfollate a causa del crollo del Ponte Morandi, avvenuto a Genova, il 14 agosto 2018.

Io sono confine / I am border – Una mostra sulle pratiche artistiche che cercano di abbattere i confini. Genova, Palazzo Grillo (04.03-08.04.2023)

Inaugurazione della mostra “Io sono confine” / “I am border” sabato 4 marzo 2023 ore 16.00 Un progetto che muove dalla ricerca di Antonino Milotta artista e dottorando presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova, volto a individuare metodologie e pratiche artistiche che cercano di abbattere i confini e i pregiudizi attorno ai fenomeni migratori.

“Il crollo” in visione sulla piattaforma ZaLab view

Da oggi, 1 febbraio, il documentario Il crollo di Massimo Cannarella è in visione sulla piattaforma ZaLab View. Il film racconta l’esperienza delle persone sfollate dalla loro casa in seguito al crollo del ponte Morandi. Attraverso le loro voci dei residenti di Via Porro il film mostra come l’evacuazione abbia allo stesso tempo dissolto […]

Visual research practices

Since its creation in 2010, Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale has developed multiple visual research practices, producing sociological documentaries and organizing photographic exhibitions but also carrying out experimental productions and developing new formats such as ethnographic fictions, ethno-graphic novels and sociological art exhibits. Below, you will find its latest productions. To see all the visual productions, please visit the Research Practices page… (View all)

  • Riski


    By Massimo Cannarella. Subject by L. Queirolo Palmas & M. Cannarella (Morocco, Spain. 2019)
    Riski is a short documentary based on the ethnographic
    work carried out by Luca Queirolo Palmas in Ceuta, Nador
    and Melilla, in 2018.

    (Go to the video)

  • Transiti. La valle solidale

    Transiti la valle solidale

    By Massimo Cannarella. Subject: L. Giliberti, M. Cannarella. (France, Italia. 2018)
    A documentary on solidarity at the French-Italian border, based 
    on the ethnographic research work carried on by Luca Giliberti 

    (Go to the video)

  • Dopo la primavera, l'inverno

    Dopo la primavera, l’inverno

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject: A. Diaco, L. Queirolo Palmas (Tunisia, 2017)
    An ethno-fiction project based on the ethnographic work of 
    Luisa Stagi and Luca Queirolo Palmas on young people’s
    expectations and dreams in the post-arab spring Tunisia.

    (Go to the video)

  • Loro dentro

    Loro dentro

    By Cristina Oddone. Subject: M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, C. Oddone, L. Queirolo Palmas, F. Seimandi, S. Spensieri. (Italia. 2012)
    A view from the inside of an Italian state prison. Inmates talk
    about their views, wishes and forms of resistance.

    (Go to the video)

  • Pane, miele e sartoria

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject by: M. Bartolini. (Italia. 2013)
    A co-production of Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale & Centro Studi 
    Medì on the migrant integration process in a district
    in the Old Town of Genoa.

    (Go to the video)

  • Dramma, Scempio e Fama

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject by: M. Bartolini, S. Benasso, A. Diaco & L. Stagi. (Italia. 2012)
    A view on suburbs as spaces for cultural production and the role 
    of music as a global lifestyle trend.

    (Go to the video)

  • La nostalgie du corps perdu

    La nostalgie du corps perdu

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject by: G. Marengo. (Italia. 2011)
    A sociological investigation documentary through an imaginary and 
    internal journey to and from home. Luis Yépez's life in Genoa:
    Ecuadorian migrant, boxer, and baker.

    (Go to the video)

  • Yo no me complico

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject: E. Abbatecola, A. Diaco, L. Queirolo Palmas & L. Stagi (Italia. 2010)
    A path of visual research on the themes of the body, gender and
    sexual identity that starts from issues such as homophobia and
    transphobia, to get to deal with some fundamental rights that
    seem increasingly  threatened and questioned today.

    (Go to the video)

  • Donna Faber

    Donna Faber

    By: Emanuela Abbatecola. Photo by: Circolo 36° Fotogramma. (2013)
    Donna Faber is a visual sociology research project carried out 
    by Emanuela Abbatecola. Through interviews and portraits she
    explored stereotypes and gender expectations about work.

    (Go to the project website)

  • Trans/portes. Trans/puertos

    Trans/portes. Trans/puertos

    By Eugenia Teodorani. (Ecuador. 2008)
    Almost entirely shot in Ecuador, Transportes is a travel diary 
    and an overview of a country whose main source of income are
    the money transfer from Ecuadorians living abroad.

    (Go to the video)

  • Calais, la fin du monde

    Calais, la fin du monde

    By Hanane Idihia & Massimo Cannarella. (France. 2016)
    A short ethnographic documentary on the Calais makeshift camp.

    (Go to the video)

  • Spartacus e le kattive maestre

    Spartacus e le kattive maestre

    By Alessandro Diaco. Subject by: A. Diaco, V. Nuvoletta, L. Queirolo Palmas & D. Thomann (Italia. 2015)
    A documentary on educational models and practices in the schools 
    of Genoa (Italy). 

    (Go to the video)

  • Buscando respeto (SPA)

    Buscando respeto (SPA)

    By Jose Gonzalez Morandi. Subject by L. Queirolo Palmas & C. Feixa. (Spain. 2013)
    An ethnofiction by Jose Gonzalez Morandi on the forms of resistance 
    and counter-narratives of immigrants from South-America in Spain.

    (Go to the video)

  • In between

    In between

    By A. Diaco, E.Teodorani, H. Morango, P. Mota Santos (Europe, 2009)
    The stories of nine young people, sons and daughters of migrants, 
    who live in nine different European countries.

    (Go to the video)

  • Eufemia

    Eufemia. The submerged and the saved

    By: L. Queirolo Palmas, E. Fravega, A. Daneri, A. Milotta, Z. Donchev, G. Abdelouahab. (2019)
    A public-art project strirring a collective reflection and debate 
    on the issues of migration, rescue at sea and humanitarian help
    to migrants.

    (Go to the video)

  • La cicatrice

    La cicatrice

    By Andrea Ferraris & Renato Chiocca. (2017)
    The border between Mexico and the USA is 3200 kilometers long,
    one third of which is covered by a wall. The icon of the
    "frontier" today is a a scar of contemporary society on which
    darkness and light, violence and humanity co-exist.
    An (ethno)graphic novel overlapping stories and reality
    about the border.

    (Go to the website)

  • TEU


    By: Federico Rahola, Anna Daneri, Martina Angelotti, Enrico Fravega. (2017)
    TEU, is a project developed by the ON Association in collaboration 
    with Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale,
    whose aim was the
    exploration of transformations affecting the urban territory as
    a consequence of its logistical connections.
    Invited artists: Danilo Correale and
    Riccardo Benassi.

    (Go to the website)

Ongoing projects

Schooling programmes

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