Art, visuality and social research. Tales from the field (webinar)

This is first date of a series of seminars organized by the Visual Sociology Research Group aiming to go beyond the boundaries of social sciences, integrating other different expressive languages and opening up to other diciplinary fields.
The event is conceived as a dialogue promoted by Laboratorio of Sociologia Visuale (Genova) and Observatori de la Vida Quotidiana (Barcelona) and will be moderated by: Luca Queirolo Palmas (University of Genoa).
The event will be held on an online platform.
The webinar will be held on the Zoom platform and it will be availavle at the following URL:
Experiences and speakers:
EUFEMIA and migrants in transit: walking through research, exhibition and catalogue. Anna Daneri (co-curator), Anto Milotta and Zlato Donchev (artists), Sara Hamssaoui (20K project).
Researching artivism between everyday life and events. Monika Salzbrunn – Université de Lausanne – ERC Project ARTIVISM
Barcelona, a colonial metropolis: social research and visual arts across the warehouses of a ethnologic museum. Andrés Antebi / Jose Gonzalez Morandi – Observatori de la Vida Quotidiana (OVQ)
BarcelonaAnthropology, documentary and youth street groups.
Jose Sanchez Garcia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra – ERC Project TRANSGANG
Dreamland: Aesthetics on the Move / a4c #artsforthecommons.
Rosa Jijon and Francesco Martone. Visual Artists, Quito/Roma
The seminar will be held in English, Spanish and French.