Shahram Khosravi. A conversation about borders with an accidental professor

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A new “Borderlands & Solidarities” podcast episode is out! In this passage, Livio Amigoni has a conversation with Shahram Khosravi, former cab driver, professor and writer, about different topics. They start from Khosravi’s last work ‘Waiting. A project in conversation‘ going, then, after to ‘Illegal travellers: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders‘. Furhtermore they touch the issue of academia and research activity highlighting how the ‘border’ is inside it. Finally, they touch the topic of smugllers and freedom of movement in the contemporary scenario.

confini, Khosravi

A new article of Luca Queirolo Palmas on the Calais jungle is out in “Environment and Planning D; Society and Space”

The refugee makeshift settlement of Calais, globally known as the “Calais Jungle”, was dismantled in October 2016. Its existence, as a spectacle repeatedly spread by the media all over the world, was a key element in the representation of the so-called “migration crisis” in Europe. One year after the end of the camp, this article focuses on a new scenario in which dispersed settlements keep reappearing and migrants are hunted by the authorities and the police on a daily basis, observing the everyday life of the many who continue to reach this borderland in the hope of crossing to the other side, by any means and at any risk. This ethnographic and visual sociology project follows a group of young Afghans, identifying the crucial phases that structure widespread daily routines and a broad moral landscape: survival, the hunt, and the attempt to get across.

To know more about this: Palmas LQ. “Now is the real Jungle!” Institutional hunting and migrants’ survival after the eviction of the Calais camp. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. March 2021. doi:10.1177/02637758211000061

borders, borderscape, Calais, confini

Rashomon en el Sahara: historia de lo no visto. Documentary presentation

On March 30th (17: 00-19: 00), the presentation of the documentary “Rashomon en el Sahara: historia de lo no visto” will be held on the Zoom platform.

Inspired by the film, “Rashōmon” by Akira Kurosawa, in which an event is narrated from many differents points of view, the documentary tells the story of the “forgotten war” in the so-called “Spanish Sahara” (Sahara-Ifni war) through different narratives that, together, give shape to a complex image of this historical episode. An history event narrated through the voices and memories of the veterans, which shold be framed within the process of decolonization affecting the whole of Africa, between the 50s and the 70s.

The presentation will be held in Spanish language.


  • Jose Gonzalez Morandi, director of the film (Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale and Observatori de la Vida Cotidiana / OVQ)
  • Alberto López Bargados (University of Barcelona)
  • Francesco Correale (Équipe Monde Arabe et Méditerranée , University of Tours)

Moderator: Luca Giliberti (Laboratory of Visual Sociology. University of Genoa).

El 30 de marzo (17: 00-19: 00) en la plataforma Zoom se realizará la presentación del documental “Rashomon en el Sahara: historia de lo no visto”.

Inspirado en la película “Rashōmon” de Akira Kurosawa, en la que se narra un hecho desde diferentes puntos de vista, el documental cuenta la historia de la “guerra olvidada” (guerra Sahara-Ifni ) a través de diferentes narrativas que, en conjunto, dan forma a una imagen compleja de este episodio histórico. Un hecho histórico narrado a través de las voces y los recuerdos de los veteranos, que se enmarca dentro del proceso de descolonización que involucrò a toda África, entre los años 50 y 70.

La presentación se realizará en idioma español.


  • Jose Gonzalez Morandi, director de la pelicula (Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale and Observatori de la Vida Cotidiana / OVQ)
  • Alberto López Bargados (University of Barcelona)
  • Francesco Correale (Équipe Monde Arabe et Méditerranée , University of Tours)

Here below you can find the link to join the event/Aquì, el enlace para unirse al evento:
Meeting ID: 967 0570 1261
Passcode: 607208

Decolonizzazione, Guerra, Sahara spagnolo, Spagna

Debordering Europe. Migration and control across the Ventimiglia region / Book presentation (Zoom, 24.02.2021, 17:00-19:00)

The case study. Ventimiglia, the last Italian town before the French border, capture the story of hundreds of thousands of migrant people who have tran- sited across this place on their way out Italy in recent years. Indeed, since June 2015, France reintroduced border controls with the declared aim of impeding unauthorised migrants from accessing its territory. In fact, migrants arriving in the city via Central Mediterranean and Balkan routes, with the hope of smoothly crossing the border are often blocked, pushback and forced to temporarily settle in urban spaces of precarious conditions.

The book. This collective work try to adopt an outlook that primarily focuses on the tension between control techniques and mobility practices. Assuming this approach means evaluating the border as a range of possible case combinations, amid the force of subjec- tivisation by border devices and the resistance of migrant people. Progressing from these theoretical and methodological coordinates, the book provides an in-depth analysis of how the Ventimiglia border is constantly reshaped as migration policies harden, and what kind of social, political, and economic impacts are produced at the local level. The book adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, including contributions of scholars from History, Geography, Sociology, Political Sciences, Law, and Anthro- pology, among other fields.

The book presentation will be held on the Zoom platform and it is scheduled on:

Wednesday, 24.02.2021 | h. 17:00 – 19:00

The book’s editors – Livio Amigoni (, Silvia Aru (, Ivano Bonnin ( and Gabriele Proglio ( – will present the book. Discussant: Enrico Fravega ( / HOASI).

To get a preview of the book, please write to:

Il caso di studio. Ventimiglia, l’ultima città italiana prima di sconfinare in Francia, cattura le storie di centinaia di migliaia di migranti che negli ultimi anni hanno transitato per quest’area uscendo dall’Italia. Dal giugno 2015 la Francia ha reintrodotto i controlli alle frontiere con l’obiettivo dichiarato di impedire ai migranti non autorizzati di accedere al proprio territorio. Di conseguenza, i migranti che arrivano in città dalla rotta del Mediterraneo centrale o dai Balcani, vengono spesso respinti e costretti a stabilirsi temporaneamente in spazi urbani in condizioni precarie.

Il libro. Il lavoro collettivo che si è portato avanti cerca di adottare una prospettiva focalizzata sulla tensione esistente tra tecniche di controllo e pratiche di mobilità. Assumere questo approccio significa valutare il confine come una gamma di possibili combinazioni di casi, tra la forza della soggettivazione da parte dei dispositivi di confine e la resistenza dei e delle migranti. Partendo da queste coordinate teoriche e metodologiche, il libro fornisce un’analisi approfondita di come il confine di Ventimiglia viene costantemente rimodellato con l’inasprirsi delle politiche migratorie e  che tipo di impatti sociali, politici ed economici si producono a livello locale. Il volume adotta un approccio multidisciplinare, accorpando contributi di studiosi di storia, geografia, sociologia, scienze politiche, diritto e antropologia.

La presentazione del libro si terrà sulla piattaforma ZOOM ed è programmata per:

mercoledì, 24.02.2021! h. 17:00 – 19:00

Presentano il libro i curatori: Livio Amigoni (, Silvia Aru (, Ivano Bonnin ( e Gabriele Proglio ( Discussant: Enrico Fravega ( / HOASI).

Per visionare un’anteprima del libro, si prega di scrivere a:

book, border, Ventimiglia

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